ABA-VR Project: Press Release 3#

The ABA-VR Project, an initiative funded by the European Union aimed at enhancing autism-related training through virtual reality (VR), is moving to the next phase. Following a successful partners meeting in Alicante, the project team is progressing with the curriculum development and has begun creating an innovative VR tool tailored for higher education students and professionals working with individuals on the autism spectrum. 

This VR tool will serve as a practice environment for students and professionals, offering immersive simulations that foster a deeper understanding of the functions of behavior, or in other words, the reason why a behaviour happens. Through these scenarios, users can learn and practice both proactive and reactive strategies in a safe, controlled virtual space. By simulating real-world interactions, the tool provides a unique, hands-on approach to understanding and responding effectively to the needs of individuals with autism. This training experience will better prepare users to apply evidence-based practices in their professional roles, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to make a meaningful impact.

The ABA-VR Project brings together experts from across Europe (Denmark, Cyprus, Spain, Czech Republic, Ukraine and North Macedonia) from fields such as psychology, autism, Applied Behavior Analysis, VR technology, and education to ensure that the curriculum and VR tool meet the highest standards. 

For more information about the ABA-VR project, please visit www.abavr.eu


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