- Description
EcoCuisine: Cooking for a Sustainable Future
"EcoCuisine" aims to address the pressing issue of food waste by fostering culinary skills and sustainable food practices.This project focuses on empowering adults with practical skills and knowledge to make informed choices that lead to reduced food waste. By fostering a sustainable food mindset, participants will contribute to lowering the overall environmental impact, saving money, and engaging their communities in the fight against food waste. The project's cross-cultural dimension will enrich participants' perspectives and promote a collective commitment to addressing a global challenge.
- Objectives
- Develop Culinary Skills for Sustainable Cooking: Provide participants with comprehensive culinary training, emphasizing efficient meal planning, proper storage, creative recipe adaptation, and utilization of food scraps.
- Awareness and Mindset Change: Raise awareness about the environmental, economic, and social implications of food waste, encouraging participants to adopt a more conscious and responsible approach towards food consumption and disposal.
- Cross-Cultural Exchange: Facilitate knowledge sharing among participants from different European countries, showcasing diverse culinary traditions, techniques, and sustainable practices.
- Consortium
- Website
- Project number
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